Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's a Start

So, I’ve often thought about this whole blogging thing. Like very often. I always say to myself I should start it on Monday or next month, then I get to thinking about what I could write? Why would people want to listen to what I have to say? What do I have to offer? Today, as I was reflecting upon things on my morning commute, I suddenly realised that I was thinking about this the wrong way. Why should I be trying to offer anything to anyone? Why should I worry about what I can write about and if it’s interesting? I came to a decision: I’ll just write about things I find interesting, I won’t write some sort of column blog or try to pick a theme or anything else. Instead I’ll just write for me, sounds selfish but why shouldn’t I use this as a place to reflect? If anyone reads it and writes a comment maybe it will offer me a new perspective, why shouldn’t I just get something out of this for myself?

So here it is, after what is probably the better part of six months of having this blog set up and waiting, idling, taken up space on the internet and not doing anything with it, here’s my first 500 or so words. I’m going to keep a journal here, of my thoughts, what’s happening in my life and maybe, hopefully, a bit of reflection that will lead to positive changes.

I’m a pragmatist, in the philosophical sense. The value or worth of something like an idea or an object is described in the consequences of believing in or using that something. Let’s see what the consequences of this blog will be for me and what its value to me will be as well.

I think I should start by taking a little inventory about myself, what do I think about myself and how do I think about myself, maybe I’ll look back on this at some point in the future and see improvements. Maybe not.

 So here goes, two things I like about myself:
  • I am a father and husband, possibly not the world’s greatest, probably not the world’s worst. I make mistakes but I try. I love them in a way I simply can’t put words to.
  • I am flexible, I can learn quickly by doing, I improve the way I do things with each iteration of doing it. I thrive in chaos, things do not need to be neat and orderly for me to work, this works well with my wife who is very orderly, she brings structure to our family, I help deal with the unexpected.

Two things I’m not so pleased about
  • I am not entirely comfortable with my body, I am usually quite comfortable with it but I think I would like it to be a little bit stronger, a little bit slimmer.
  • I’m not the world’s best manager of time, I sometimes become focussed on something to the exclusion of other things, or procrastinate when I’m stressed. Maybe this will keep me on track?

Ok, it’s a start.


  1. I thought I had posted this comment already, but it doesn't seem to have posted...

    One more thing you are, is a dear friend, a great friend, of whom we could ask nothing more.

  2. And that right there has made my week already! Cheers :)
